In order to protect your organization’s important digital assets you need to build something that you spend most of the time trying to avoid in every other facet of your business, building redundancy. Redundancy is seen as wasteful in most situations, but with your data being so important to your business, ensuring that you have duplicate copies of it is essential.
With the return of warmer weather to much of the world, thunderstorms and lightning strikes are more common--and more problematic--than before. All it takes is a bit of rotten luck to find yourself on the receiving end of a lightning storm, and often times unprepared businesses will find themselves unable to recover from the damages. How can your organization mitigate the threat of damage caused by thunderstorms and fires associated with them?
Over one-third of businesses don’t have any means of backing up their data. This is a major problem, especially considering how many threats there are that can derail operations. For managed IT providers like us, this is painful, as it’s unfortunate to hear about data disasters that could easily be prevented. We’ll discuss some of the biggest reasons why your business needs data backup and disaster recovery.
It’s a nightmare situation for any business owner when all of their essential data suddenly disappears. Fortunately, there are measures that you can take to turn this nightmare into an inconvenience. However, you must also be certain that these measures are adequate to keep your data safe, despite the worst of circumstances.